Monday, September 7, 2009

A Waterfall of Blessing

A couple of weeks back I was on the campus of TFC to run and errand. I decided to take a few minutes and walk up to the falls. It's been over a year since I'd been there. It was early and cool, quiet with no other people there. Standing about 75 yards back from the waterfall I could take in a wide view of the never ending cascade down to the pool. The constant mist gives everything in the vicinity a lush vibrant look.
This doesn't happen often enough but as I stood there I was overwhelmed by the awareness that this is a picture of my life. The constant, never-ending grace of God is poured on me in blessing after blessing. John 1:16 says it perfectly: "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another". God the One and Only, Jesus Christ has made the Father known to me. This is life! An undeserving sinner being constantly showered with one blessing after another. I know I don't deserve it but I take it!
Hope you're taking it too.