Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Urgent emails

From time to time I get urgent emails (usually forwarded) from friends and family members. They are usually sent with the intent to warn me of some scam, computer virus or health related issue. Recently, as I recall in one day I received the same forwarded email from no less than six people. All of them had in the subject line a mention of the urgency of the situation and the impending danger these warnings were trying to prevent.
I'd like to post this blog with a sense of urgency. This is really intended for friends or family of mine, or anyone else who reads this who are followers of Christ.
Here is the urgent message:
6000 of the 16000 people groups in the world are considered unreached by the Gospel message. That's 2 Billion people!!!!The question I ask myself and the question I ask you is "what are you doing about this EMERGENCY?"
In and effort to do what Hebrews 10:24 commands us to do I encourage you to go to Between Two Worlds a blog by Justin Taylor and look down the page to a video posted on August 17th.
Please share with me what you are doing. I so need to learn from you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Picking up where I left off

Well hi there! I haven't written anything since April. Got out of the habit I guess.
This is my start-back blog.
I'd like to tell you a little bit about our(Pam and me) trip to Russia. Rather than give a lot of details I just want to talk about a couple of major impressions.
The similarities between the southern US and Southern Russia.
1. People think that tires buried halfway into the ground make a nice yard border.
2. Trees painted white from the ground up to about 3-4 feet are prettier than those without the paint.
3. Comb-overs are a good way to deal with a bald head. Saw some doosies!
An impression about the Body of Christ
The people in the city we visited were nice enough but seemed to be like many in our country-sad, stressed out and tense. There was very little eye-contact, even less smiling our acknowledgement of another person's existence. When we gathered for worship with the Church it was very different. People smiled, looked us in the eye and made a connection with us.
I participated in two worship services while there. The service lasted two or more hours and consisted of singing, praying, testifying preaching and more praying. I didn't understand a cotton pickin word. But, oh how I recognized the presence of the Lord among us. There was such engagement on the part of the worshippers. As I stood there listening and entering in in my own language there was sense of His being with us. The Holy Spirit brings unity around the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of worship I've ever been a part of. It made me look forward to the day when those from every tribe and tongue and nation will gather to give praise to the Lord of Glory. I am so thankful that I got to taste just a little of this.
Soon, we will live in that forever.