Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Simply Amazing

For the last several weeks I've been reading the Gospel of Mark, with the goal of ending it on Easter Sunday. It has been rich! Today after reading chapter twelve I was struck again by the amazing reality that the Lord Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. In all of His encounters with people, in His life as a citizen of the Roman Empire, in every teaching event, in His observations of people's religious lives He was totally sinless. It occured to me this morning that in the immense amount of living that is not recorded for me to read He was also sinless. There was never a private moment in which He "let His hair down" so to speak, and gave in to the temptations He faced. I am so grateful because I so need a Savior!!!
There's a little bit about my days coming up to Easter. What about you? Have anything you could share?

1 comment:

  1. Hi George! I hope you remember me from Muncie - Gabrielle. It's always cool to see God's weaving life and experiences together. I work at a church in Huntertown IN and have for 20 years. I have a new lead pastor here - about 2 years. He's an amazing man - but what brought me here to your post is that he reminds me of you. Gentle yet convicted - always aware of Christ in his life. And that's always what I remember about you.

    My oldest child just graduated and is heading to college. My next one just left this morning for a 2 week mission trip in the Dominican. And I find myself asking God for 'do overs' - I want to take back all the mistakes I've made - all the times I reacted differently than I should have - all the times I let my four kids down. But of course that isn't how life works. And what's great about that is that it reminds me of our complete dependence on Him. I'm glad I don't get do overs because I'd need a new set every day. But I trust and rest on the One who is without sin and never ever lets us down.

    I can't. He can.

    Hope you are all well - and would love to catch up! My email is
